Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Hailey had a great Christmas this year, Santa was very nice, she got her first tricycle which she will have to wait till Summer to use, by that time we will be moved to our own little house so she will have plenty of room to ride. She also received great tom-boy toys from her step-fathers family, she even got her first Mr. Potato Head! That family warmed up so fast to her, and she did as well. We see them as much as we possibly can.

We even ended up taking her to the Valley of Lights in Prescott Valley, she loved it! I would post photo's of that but they didn't turn out to great. Needless to say we had a great Christmas Day with all the families. Thanks to Arizona's wonderful heat on that day, we even went for a little hike.

We even plan on going and playing in the snow this coming week, depending on what the Pulmonary Specialist has to say on Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A new Specialist

Hailey get's to meet a new specialist this month. We are going to see a Pulmonary Specialist to figure out why she is having so many problems with her lungs, and why she is always sick with RSV, or Pneumonia. She has been having problem's, whether small or large, since she was born with her lungs. Her doctor's are getting worried and not sure why her Pneumonia still has not gone away and getting worse. She has been on antibiotics for months, and breathing treatments, and now inhaled steroids. The pulmonary specialist nurse said she is upset that Hailey has not been hospitalized for a straight week to watch her breathing, and her lungs and to get rid of all the problems. I am hoping for some good new's. I want my baby to be healthy :(. We will find out the next step on the 29th.