Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Trip to The Park

Hailey had her first trip to her park the day after she turned a month old, Shane, Jenny, and Ann and Elmo and I ventured over to River Front for some picture taking.

Aunty Jenny is great at thinking of picture ideas. I was not smart in wearing flip flops though, being allergic to grass, then getting covered by ants..

Kisses from her Aunty Jenny

My little family

Hailey Marie Willoughby

Shane and my daughter Hailey Marie Willoughby was born September 17th 2009 at 10:24 pm, after a long day of labor for mommy (me). I had woken up that morning at 5 a.m. to a very painful feeling, (felt like I was getting kicked in the stomach), as I stood up, my water broke! I was so scared, and not to mention in horrible pain! I walked as fast as I could to let my mom know it was time, then I took a shower and called the soon to be father. He didn't seem to excited as I woke him up at 530 telling him to get dressed that it was time! The trip down to phx was a whole other ball game. I couldn't sit still and I was in so much pain. I feel bad because I wouldn't let Shane touch me or try to make me feel better, I just wanted something for the pain! (ya ya I know I said I wasn't going to do any, but holy mac' n' cheese it was horrible!) When we got there the nurse didn't have to check to see if my water broke because she could see the water, yet they couldn't read my contractions. I was in triage from about 800 am till about 2 pm, with NO drugs. They couldn't read my contractions and I was only dilated too 1cm! At that point I wanted to die, I have never felt this much pain before. Finally they moved me and gave me the epidural at about 3 because they were also hooking me up to pitocen to get me going. Well it took a few hours till I got to 3, then Shane and my mom left for about an hour to get food while I tried to sleep and this was about 5ish or so, then they came back and the nurse checked me and I was at five. At that time they were still trying to read my contractions, by the machine and by feeling my stomach. Still no luck, they then decided to try and internal machine, they couldn't get it in and decided to stop because I guess I was bleeding too much ( which keep in mind they didn't tell me till after she was born). The nurse then checked me again and I was at about 5.5 and it was now about 10 pm. They had tried the internal machine 2 more times. Finally just getting past the blood and got it in the 3rd time. At that time I started feeling pressure like I had to push. My mom said it was just Hailey moving down but that I still had a while. But I said no she is coming now please get the nurses back in here! They seemed to take her sweet time getting back in. They then checked me and I was at 10! Within minutes of them checking me from 5.5 I was at ten and was told not to push yet. They had to find the doctor that was on call. In the mean time a nurse was with me having me push, they couldn't find the dr, she walked in nice and slowly as I had two pushes left! She noticed how far I was and then started hurrying. I pushed for a total of ten minutes then had my bundle of joy! Shane cut the umbilical cord, and guess what! He didn't pass out. In the room it included Jennifer, my mother and Shane, and the random people who got to experience the birth of my wonderful daughter.
She weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and 18in.

Friday, May 15, 2009


These three are my cousins that I have watched for a while. I have watched the girls grow from the day they were born till this very day. Alec, Anika, and Kalee


She has a dramatic attitude it seems out of three. When she is tired she will just throw herself on the floor, or when she falls she makes sure everyone around her knows.

She is also the one to cuddle with you, if you want to cuddle or not she is always there wanting to cuddle on your chest. Seeing her from the day she was born to now it is amazing seeing how fast a little child can grow.


She is a very energized young lady, she is always dressing up, taking my shoes and is very very very talkative, she will one day drive her daddy crazy! She is also dramatic, once she learns that she is getting in trouble even if your just telling her "You can't do that" she puts her head down and you see her pucker her lips and start whimpering, it can melt anyones heart. I also watched her from the day she was born till now, walking, talking, tantrum throwing, and loving. She loves Dr. Seus books, or any other books, she will have you read a book to her many many times over and over again.

Kalee and I a few hours after she was born, still got that goober on eyes

Anika and Alec last year

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What One Little One Does While In a Hospital

After going to Preston's graduation and lunch, Tara, Ann, Shane, Shawn, Avery and I went to the Hospital where there grandma was recovering at. The hospital was having some rules to see her, such as 18 and older and only two at a time. So Tara and Ann went first and me and the boys and Avery sat down and stayed occupied. Miss A had gotten ahold of my purse and was interested what the contents of it were.

She was very intersted in my pack of gum neverless. She would try to take a piece out but she would look at me then close the pack and go through the rest of it. After dumping it out and looking at every little thing inside I asked her to put everything back in and she did. Then she started to go through it all over again.

After the boys went in to see their grandmother, Miss A and I stayed out and I tried keeping her busy by walking around with her and letting her look at my phone. She started looking at my phone while I had it open and was saying "Cheese" so I decided I would take a picture of her. And she got super close for a very cute picture.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Baby #1

As most of Cottonwood, and some folks in Snowflake, and Queen Creek, and I have no idea where else, knows that I am having a baby October 6th 2009! It is mine and Shane's first baby, it was quite a shock but everything is okay now. Im getting more and more used to the thought of having a child in a few months, still scares me that we're going to be in control of another person, putting morals in the child, teaching them how to walk and talk, and being potty trained and just everything. I've babysat every age up to like 13 since I was ten so some things won't be to much of a shock to me, but nothing will pre-pare me for what is coming. The pregnancy has been pretty hard on me, always being sick, but its getting better.

Our child's first picture ever, only a few weeks, I believe that was at 7 weeks roughly, looks like a little blob, but my guy calls him/her "french fry" and it's placenta is its "ketchup packet" don't ask me why because I'm not to sure, but its cute so its okay.

His/her second picture ever taken, best profile picture I have right now.
You can see the forhead, eye, nose and mouth, the arm is bent and the hand is behind its head, and the tummy and waist, the legs are hidden. During this ultra sound at St. Josephs Hospital in Pheonix the baby was really really hyper, we watched (my mom and I) him/her suck it's thumb and kick me, it was amazing. This picture is upside down because at that time the baby was head down.

He/she is trying to reach for it's toes again here

Our latest picture of our baby! Pretty scary! Its the front view of the face. You can see the eye, nose and the mouth, and one hand its up by its ear, and the other hand is pointing.

So thats our baby so far, its gone from a blob to an actual human being looking person, time to let him/her get big now and grow...

My Guy

This guy has my heart, he is my world. I love him so much, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him. Never thought I would meet my future husband at work, let alone work with him. We have been together for almost a year now, and we are hoping to be married by the end of the year some time. (as long as he gets those grades up!)

He makes me smile, laugh when its the hardest thing to do, he is always the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, and the first person I think about when I wake up. It is never the same or boring when I am with him. Even if we're watching Family Guy or South Park. I love spending every moment possible with him. There is no way I can express how much I care for this guy!

He is going to be an amazing husband and an incrediable father one day.