Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hailey Marie Willoughby

Shane and my daughter Hailey Marie Willoughby was born September 17th 2009 at 10:24 pm, after a long day of labor for mommy (me). I had woken up that morning at 5 a.m. to a very painful feeling, (felt like I was getting kicked in the stomach), as I stood up, my water broke! I was so scared, and not to mention in horrible pain! I walked as fast as I could to let my mom know it was time, then I took a shower and called the soon to be father. He didn't seem to excited as I woke him up at 530 telling him to get dressed that it was time! The trip down to phx was a whole other ball game. I couldn't sit still and I was in so much pain. I feel bad because I wouldn't let Shane touch me or try to make me feel better, I just wanted something for the pain! (ya ya I know I said I wasn't going to do any, but holy mac' n' cheese it was horrible!) When we got there the nurse didn't have to check to see if my water broke because she could see the water, yet they couldn't read my contractions. I was in triage from about 800 am till about 2 pm, with NO drugs. They couldn't read my contractions and I was only dilated too 1cm! At that point I wanted to die, I have never felt this much pain before. Finally they moved me and gave me the epidural at about 3 because they were also hooking me up to pitocen to get me going. Well it took a few hours till I got to 3, then Shane and my mom left for about an hour to get food while I tried to sleep and this was about 5ish or so, then they came back and the nurse checked me and I was at five. At that time they were still trying to read my contractions, by the machine and by feeling my stomach. Still no luck, they then decided to try and internal machine, they couldn't get it in and decided to stop because I guess I was bleeding too much ( which keep in mind they didn't tell me till after she was born). The nurse then checked me again and I was at about 5.5 and it was now about 10 pm. They had tried the internal machine 2 more times. Finally just getting past the blood and got it in the 3rd time. At that time I started feeling pressure like I had to push. My mom said it was just Hailey moving down but that I still had a while. But I said no she is coming now please get the nurses back in here! They seemed to take her sweet time getting back in. They then checked me and I was at 10! Within minutes of them checking me from 5.5 I was at ten and was told not to push yet. They had to find the doctor that was on call. In the mean time a nurse was with me having me push, they couldn't find the dr, she walked in nice and slowly as I had two pushes left! She noticed how far I was and then started hurrying. I pushed for a total of ten minutes then had my bundle of joy! Shane cut the umbilical cord, and guess what! He didn't pass out. In the room it included Jennifer, my mother and Shane, and the random people who got to experience the birth of my wonderful daughter.
She weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and 18in.

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