Monday, March 29, 2010

Queen Creek 3/2010

Shane, Hailey and I took another trip out to Queen Creek to see the family! We even went and saw some ducks and geese ( which we later found out she was allergic to their feathers :( )

We went and met Camdyn for the first time! What a cutie pie! The little angel does have a pair of lungs on her though!

Shane is holding Camdyn while Uncle Preston is holding Hailey ( 6 months old), it brings back crazy memories looking at Shane holding that little one!

Jaxon had a blast seeing his cousin! And so did Hailey, they kept cracking up at each other!

We also met up with Will, Tara and their newest addition Swayer at a Greek restaurant to celebrate Will's birthday.

We had so much fun visiting with Dad and Deb, Heather, Preston, Jaxon and Camydn, Will, Tara and Sawyer.

It's crazy seeing how fast Hailey has grown up!

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