Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Many things have happened in just the few days so far of November:

Hailey likes the swings again

She at not even 14 months old, takes over the local jungle gym like she owns it.
She loves giving mom a heart attack by running up to the top and going down the BIG slide, ALONE!

She has also learned many words, her favorite few being, "Mine, No, Wait, Up, Poop *I shake my head in disgust every time I hear that*, Done, Play, More, Food, Spider, Dog, and many more. My favorite is when I say goodbye to her she yells "No wait Mommy!" I am glad that I spend as many hours as I do working with her on her speech.

Another very big step is *drum roll please*, she has decided she is ready for........

That's right, potty training! She informs me of when she goes, and has used others potties, so I scrapped up my money, and went and bought a potty chair, she has in fact used it 3 times already, and is loving it!

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