Thursday, March 31, 2011

My 1st Vacation

I had the chance to take off work for a little over a week and go on my first vacation to get away from everything. I needed a break from the stress of working 14 hour days to coming home to a sick child that I know every doctor appointment we have brings me nothing but bad news. I needed a break from the heartache of seeing the doctor's shaking their heads as I ask what can we do to fix all this pain. I had been wanting to see my best friend, who I am now with, for a long time, ever since he came home on R&R from Afghanistan last September. And I had also been wanting to meet my cousin Hillary for the first time, which we had been in contact with each other since 2003, while her and her husband were also deployed out in Afghanistan. And just my luck they are both stationed at the same exact post. Just all the way across the USA in North Carolina. David's mom, who has been helping me daily with the health issues with Hailey, keeping me encouraged and telling me to call her the moment I found out any results to any tests (her daughter has CF as well, and she understands what I am going through) has been telling me for weeks into months the moment she found out her son and I started talking again that I needed to fly out and see him. I wasn't sure why, but I knew in my heart that I should and that I wanted to. So after I paid my bills, spoiled my daughter and took care of the necessities I bought a plane ticket and rented a room at a hotel for 8 days in Spring Lake North Carolina. Which ended up being right outside of the Honeycutt Gate of the post, so I was never more then five minutes from the post. What my dear boyfriend and cousin didn't tell me right away, was that the location of my hotel and the hotel its self was the center of drug traffic ring. So out of the 8 days I paid for, I really only stayed there 2 nights, and never alone. You would think a army post would be safe and secure right?? Wrong, they have had a spree of random drive by shootings over the past like 3 months resulting in 20 murders, which the last night there, around 0115 as I laid in the bed I began to hear shooting outside the Barrack. Needless to say I had a blast, starting from a very long plane ride with connections, then coming seconds away from getting arrested my first night there, too setting off the fire alarm in his 5 story building of barracks which lasted 4 days. Too meeting my cousin who is a Lt CL. in the Army and having a blast. The week I was there it was a trip down memory lane for David and I. We talked about all the fun and not so fun that we had in middle school together and High School, too all the people we dated and mistakes we made. There was never a dull moment from when I had to play nurse and take care of the Staff Infection on his face, to meeting one of his NCO's in my Pj's. We are strong for each other, we know what each other is going through, for we have the same problems in a way right now. Now to just wait till June till I can see him again.

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