Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Updates on Test's

So Hailey has had a few different blood test's done to check all sorts of levels in her body, most of the test's came back higher then the doctor wanted to see but she made it clear that she should still be okay, but one test ( I can't remember the name of test for the life of me) was so high off the charts, that even for an adult it would be bad. She has never seen it be so high in a toddler that she doesn't know what to do or think, so she sent off all the results to her specialists, her pulmonary dr, her gastroenterologist, her dermatologist, and her neurologist. I'm still waiting to hear back to what they think it could possibly be. We have her Florid Sweat Test finally coming up next week, the last little test to see if its CF or not. All the other test's and symptoms are pointing it to CF so I have to wait and find out. I am just so thankful that I have David's mom by my side during all of this, the moment she found out that Hailey had been so sick she has been helping me through it, telling me what to expect next and how to try to stay calm. She has been dealing with CF with her daughter since she was 3 months old, and Kelsea is now 12 and fighting and strong as ever. Ever since Hailey has her first seizure back in February, she has had countless more in her sleep, and one while she was awake. When the doctor told me that day that she could of lost the fight that day, my heart stops every time she starts seizing, I can't handle having another doctor say that she might not make it through this one, and that I need to "prepare" myself for the worst. Hearing that as a mother was the hardest thing in the world. I cherish every moment that I am with her, and take full advantage of seeing her every day as she grows up. Her doctors are glad to see that she is developing well, and is very ahead in some parts for her age. She loves her big girl panties, and hates being in her diapers now. She still has accidents but she knows when to run to the potty. It's coming along great! I have also come to realize that my little artist is right handed, she does everything with her right hand. She is getting so big, and I love her very very much. I want to keep her around as long as possible. So whatever illness this is that is causing her to be so sick, and to not let her body get ride of the pneumonia better pack its bags and leave, because I won't stop until she is healthy.

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