Friday, May 27, 2011

Hailey and her silly personality

As Hailey is growing up everyday her personality is showing more and more. Some days I see myself in her, and others I see Shane. I'm amazed at how fast she is learning things and understanding. She is so proud of herself for being able to point at every body part (even her elbow and knees) that she claps and asks me for a "five".

We were walking through the mall the other day down in Mesa before her doctor appointment with her Pulmonologist, I was explaining to her that we don't talk to strangers or run up to random children and say hi. She responds with her normal "okay" and so we keep walking. The next thing I know, we are passing these nice men working at one of the booths and she lets go of my hand and runs up to them and shouts "BYE MOM" then proceeds to have a conversation with these men, they were cracking up so hard.

She has also started playing with a toy cell phone that I got her a few months ago, and while we were driving she was in her car seat, phone up to her ear (even the right way!) and was just blabbing away, I made the mistake of asking "who are you talking too? Did you call Daddy?" She gave me the grumpiest look and responds "Hush Mom! Phone!" So apparently when I'm on the phone with David, or doctors, or work (just about anyone) its cool for her to come up to me and repeat "Mom, mom, mommy" until I respond. But if I happen to interrupt her little fake conversation, the world must stop on its axis.

She is going to be just like her dad when it comes to reading. She LOVES books. Any time we go to walmart she asks for a new book, which, if I can splurge a little, I usually give in and go on a hunt for a new interesting book for her. She will sit there and look at books the entire trip to phx and back, while in the dr waiting room and just about any where.

She has to be sedated again either this month or next month depending on what her Neurologist decides because they are looking into a brain abnormality that causes part of the back of the brain to push on a certain nerve which causes the chronic cough, aspirating and just about every symptom that she has. They have to do an MRI on her, and she is too little to stay still during the test. The major scary part is, its only able to be corrected with surgery, on the head. Another major surgery for mommy and Hailey to go through alone. I had them run the sweat test again, just to double check the numbers. The first test came out positive, the second negative. We did it again just in case, and found it to be negative thank goodness. The number is suppose to be at 40, her's where at 19 on her right arm, and 20 on the left. We also see the Gastro doctor on the 1st, to repeat her Swallow Test that she hasn't had since she turned 1. So I can see that I am going to need to save up some money from my next check, and buy a few new books to keep her calm.

On good news, according to the charts at the lung dr, she has gained 2 pounds and grew an entire inch since her last visit, leaving her at 23 pounds even, and 32 inches!

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