Friday, May 8, 2009

Baby #1

As most of Cottonwood, and some folks in Snowflake, and Queen Creek, and I have no idea where else, knows that I am having a baby October 6th 2009! It is mine and Shane's first baby, it was quite a shock but everything is okay now. Im getting more and more used to the thought of having a child in a few months, still scares me that we're going to be in control of another person, putting morals in the child, teaching them how to walk and talk, and being potty trained and just everything. I've babysat every age up to like 13 since I was ten so some things won't be to much of a shock to me, but nothing will pre-pare me for what is coming. The pregnancy has been pretty hard on me, always being sick, but its getting better.

Our child's first picture ever, only a few weeks, I believe that was at 7 weeks roughly, looks like a little blob, but my guy calls him/her "french fry" and it's placenta is its "ketchup packet" don't ask me why because I'm not to sure, but its cute so its okay.

His/her second picture ever taken, best profile picture I have right now.
You can see the forhead, eye, nose and mouth, the arm is bent and the hand is behind its head, and the tummy and waist, the legs are hidden. During this ultra sound at St. Josephs Hospital in Pheonix the baby was really really hyper, we watched (my mom and I) him/her suck it's thumb and kick me, it was amazing. This picture is upside down because at that time the baby was head down.

He/she is trying to reach for it's toes again here

Our latest picture of our baby! Pretty scary! Its the front view of the face. You can see the eye, nose and the mouth, and one hand its up by its ear, and the other hand is pointing.

So thats our baby so far, its gone from a blob to an actual human being looking person, time to let him/her get big now and grow...

1 comment:

Trezise Momma said...

What a cute little french fry!